Program and Schedule

What makes Tirana English School unique among all the schools in Albania is our dedication to designing an all-inclusive program that focuses on the needs of a growing child.  A need to be heard, a need to be seen, a need to be inspired.  At TES we don’t teach we learn with your child and endeavor to learn who your child is.  We believe education is not a factory but a condition that requires dedicated parents, passionate parents and administrators and a proper respect for the child’s whole person.

School to us is not a factory but a garden where a child can learn and grow.  All children want to learn and are naturally curious.  They are waiting for activities that encourages them stretch out to think to imagine to make and to build.  Books to us is not to be memorized but enjoyed as a delicious meal to be shared with others.  Pictures are projects waiting to fly off the wall as we build cities of tomorrow and imagine a world without limits.

Full Day Program: Monday to Friday 8.00 to 16.00
Half Day Program: Monday to Friday 8.00 to 13.00
School year: First Monday of September to end of June